Diving expedition to the Maldives

Ever wondered what it’s like to be marine biologist?
Ever asked yourself why sharks and fishes behave in certain ways? Why reefs looks the way they do? Or which impact human activities have on the marine environment?
And ultimately, how this may change your future diving adventures?

Well on this trip you will find the answers and get your own first-hand experience in marine science and conservation. Join a team of seasoned biologists for an unforgettable week of adventures within the enchanting reefs of the Maldivian sea.

Maldivian reef magic
11th – 18th of January 2024
1,850 Euro per diver in a double cabin

Your hosts, Dr. Julia Spaet, Dr. Gerrit Nanninga and Dr. Anna Scott, are passionate marine biologists, all with their own areas of expertise. Together, they represent a wealth of knowledge that is free for you to poke.

Dr. Julia Spaet

Julia has spent the past 20 years studying sharks across the world to better understand their behaviour and help in the conservation of these magnificent creatures. Her expertise includes shark movement ecology, population genetics, and shark fisheries.

Dr. Gerrit Nanninga

Gerrit’s research focuses on coral reefs and how they function. He studies population connectivity, or in simple terms: Why fish stay put or why they decide to move to another reef. He also developed a keen interest in coral reef restoration. How can we do better in protecting and rebuilding reefs worldwide?

Dr. Anna Scott

Anna has specialised in clownfishes and their close relationship with sea anemones. She loves communicating science and looks forward to finding Nemo and unravelling his secrets with you.

Book your spot by email at:

What’s on the program?

  • one week of diving, snorkelling and science adventures
    • 2-3 dives a day
    • troll fishing during navigation
    • unlimited snorkelling
    • full board, water, coffee and tea
    • possible visit to Malé (capitol city)
  • daily presentations on current marine science and conservation topics
  • additional visits and talks from Maldivian NGOs with first hand news on local conservation efforts
  • hands-on activities, such as:
    • marine fauna identification, which will help you understand what you see underwater
    • reef fish and shark behaviour observations, which will improve the understanding and meaning of any of your future dives
    • shark monitoring using a wide range of state of the art techniques, which will improve your understanding of science and the way new knowledge us gained
  • great food, service and memories served in the luxurious setting of the “Island Safari 2”
Dive crew of the “Island Safari 2”


  • Booking conditions:
    • 500 Euro paid at time of booking
    • total balance to be paid 35 days before departure
    • name change possible up to 30 days before to departure
  • Cancellation policy:
    • 45 days before departure 30% of total
    • 44 to 21 days before departure 50% of total
    • 20 to 15 days before departure 70% of total
    • 14 days before departure 100% of total
  • Requirements:
    • Advanced open water diver
    • minimum of 30 logged dives

Book your spot by email at:

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